Our sleepiest times of day are 2am and 2pm. This excuse may not work on your boss though, if you decide to take a quick snooze at work!


Here you can find some interesting stats and facts about all kinds of common problems. News to you? It’ll probably be news to your mates too. Share now on Facebook and Twitter to give them a Heads Up! (See what we did there? #dadjokes)

About 1 in 8 men will experience depression at some stage in their life, and about 1 in 5 men will experience anxiety at some stage in their life.

Depression can be triggered by something as simple as the ending of a tv programme. So don’t be surprised if you feel a bit down about the end of a series of Top Gear.

No man is an island. We forget who said that, but it’s true. A common reason for guys feeling down is loneliness. It only takes a minute to reach out to a friend or loved one. Call a man in your life and say ‘hi’.

Ever felt a bit sad after sex? It’s a real thing! Men can feel down for up to six hours after orgasm because the emotional part of the brain that has no part in the orgasm rebounds heavily afterwards.

SAD syndrome - Seasonal affective disorder-)is when you feel down in the winter months.

Did you know that a lot of well-known celebrities suffer from OCD? Daniel Radcliffe, David Beckham, Leonardo Dicaprio and Justin Timberlake to name a few!